Monday, April 12, 2010


Breakfast at Smokies - huge - followed by the drive to the Grand Canyon, the final National Park of the trip and one of the traditional highlights. Last year we were bedevilled by rain and wind, but this year is clear, if a little overcast. We arrive and after a few alarms with the vans (JB's refuses to start for a while and I get into an identical van parked next to ours and wonder why the key refuses to start the engine - to be fair, the owner tries to get into my van too) we see the first overlook - dramatic as ever. We try a hike down to Horseshoe Mesa, but the trail is muddy and snowbound so we move on to the Bright Angel Trail which is wider and safer.  Students descend quite far and enjoy the achievement of it, not least coming back up. Meanwhile, I have a beer with a student who has vertigo. We stay later than usual and see the sun slant across the canyon, bringing out the mesas in relief. The drive back is long but through the sunset. Taco Bell beckons to most of the students - the perfect end to a day...

Tomorrow the final full day, via Route 66 and Chloride...

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